Posted on 4/21/2021
Vehicle tires are expensive and we want to get the most life out of our tires that we can. It may seem that tires wear out too quickly, but there are several reasons why tires need replacement more often than necessary. Following are some potential causes of premature tire wear. Incorrect Tire Alignment Properly aligned tires make the car travel straight down the road. Many drivers have experienced the feeling that the vehicle is pulling to the right or left. When this happens, the tires are misaligned. Because the tire angle is wrong, the tires wear incorrectly either on the inside or outside of the tire. Sometimes bumps, potholes, and poor road conditions lead to tire misalignment. Drivers can reduce the effects that poor road conditions have on tires with careful driving habits. Tire Inflation Problems Manufactures recommended certain tire inflation levels for several reasons. These reasons include making sure the vehicle weight is distributed properly and helping the vehicle co ... read more